Yuma Yirramboi Strategy (Invest in Tomorrow) | Priorities and initiatives
Yuma Yirramboi is the Victorian Government and Aboriginal Victorians’ shared vision to generate greater individual and collective wealth for Aboriginal Victorians.
It’s a bold plan to address inequality and build Aboriginal economic parity within a generation. It sets high expectations and is built on strong and enduring partnerships with Aboriginal Victorians.
Aboriginal Victorians have worked with the government to develop the strategy. They will guide and inform the rollout of the strategy and monitor its progress.
Yuma Yirramboi in the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung language translates the strategy’s theme of “Invest in Tomorrow”.
We thank Aunty Gail Smith, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder and Dr Vicki Couzens, a Gunditjmara Keerray Woorroong…