Why you should book profit in Infosys but continue holding HCL Tech
HCL Tech stock valuation at ₹937 appears reasonable, but margin of safety wafer-thin at present in Infosys at ₹1385
HCL Tech stock valuation at ₹937 appears reasonable, but margin of safety wafer-thin at present in Infosys at ₹1385
Unlike equities and fixed income, currencies don’t classify as investments and are more suited for trading/hedging purposes. Also, investors…
A holistic analysis of the data will test the assumptions based on which bullish projections are made
Its ability to contain downside during volatile periods has been proven over the years
Need for policy corrections from the government to ensure smooth supply, say Industry players
This new drug will be offered in the market within a week at ₹5,400 per unit
This will happen on June 25, says NSE
BusinessLine India’s leading website for business and financial news, BSE and NSE quotes, stock recommendations, market analysis and research,…
Expected to give a fillip to private participation in rental housing