Passive Income Strategies Put Your Money To Work: October 2024 Edition

Rentiers, people who live off passive income, have a bad name in some socioeconomic circles, but a portion of that has got to be sour grapes. The rap against passive income is that it is an undeserved reward that can encourage unsavory actions like bribery to keep it coming. But it is pretty hard to see the harm in a worker’s savings account or low-risk bond income.

There are more exotic forms of passive income than that, and some of them hold appeal for investors who have yet to reach fat-cat levels. Here are three ideas for passive income generation in the current economic environment:

  1. A special kind of short-term junk-bond fund
  2. Stocks that increase their dividends every year
  3. Annuities that make sense for retirees,…

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