Mobikwik share price jumps over 120% against IPO price in seven sessions. More steam left?
Mobikwik share price: After listing at a substantial premium of nearly 58 per cent, shares of One Mobikwik Systems Limited have remained on an uptrend. In seven sessions post-listing on 18 December 2024, Mobikwik shares have remained an ideal buy-on-dip stock for investors. On Friday last week, Mobikwik share price ended at ₹622.95 apiece on the NSE, delivering more than a 120 per cent return to the lucky allottees, who remained invested in the stock despite a stellar debut on Dalal Street.
According to stock market experts, Mobikwik has strong fundamentals for improving EBITDA, PAT, and revenue. They said that Mobikwik’s share price has made a strong base at ₹590 and expected a near-term target of ₹700 if this support remains…