KEI Industries launches QIP, floor price fixed at Rs 3,880.54

KEI International on Monday announced that its board has approved the launch of a Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) of equity shares, setting a floor price of Rs 3,880.54 per share.

The floor price is at a discount of 3.5% over the stock’s closing price on Monday.

“We wish to inform you that pursuant to the approval accorded by the board of directors of the Company (the “Board”), at its meeting held on 15.10.2024 and the shareholders of the Company, pursuant to the special resolution passed on 17.11.2024, the Fund Raising Committee has, at its meeting held today i.e. 25.11.2024, inter alia, considered and approved the following resolutions: Approving the floor price for the Issue, being 3,880.54 per Equity Share (Floor Price),…

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