Retirement savings by age: What to do with your portfolio in 2025

Asset allocation models:

Within stocks: 60% U.S. Large-Cap, 25% Developed International, 10% U.S. Small-Cap, and 5% Emerging Markets

Within bonds: 45% U.S. Investment Grade, 10%–30% U.S. Treasury, 10% Nontraditional Bond, 0%–10% High Yield, 10% International, and 0%–10% Emerging Markets

Within cash: 100% Money Market Securities, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Accounts, and Short-Term Bonds

These allocations are age-based only and do not take risk tolerance into account. Our asset allocation models are designed to meet the needs of a hypothetical investor with an assumed retirement age of 65 and a withdrawal horizon of 30 years. The model asset allocations are based on analysis that seeks to balance long-term return…

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